Installing Ubuntu Server at Home

server, cloud, development
To reuse your old laptop or desktop, we can install Ubuntu server and practice linux commands hands on.   If you don’t have access to spare device, you can install it inside Oracle virtual box, without messing up windows core system.

Installing Ubuntu Server is straight forward.

First, we have to ensure we have at least 2GB of free space for installation with USB installer.  For more information on how to create a bootable disk, refer here

As a beginner, i use all default settings and follow on-screen instructions, i.e keyboard layout, languages, etc.  After Reboot Now button is pressed, you will see command login screen instead of GUI, due to ubuntu server version. 

Benefits of having a Ubuntu Server at home

  • Practice with linux commands (hands on)
  • Act as personal file server and media server. 
  • Host wordpress without subscribing to AWS EC2 or other hosting services. 
  • many more. . .